BAR prepared to buy Button from Williams

According to Autosport-Atlas, BAR boss Nick Fry has told rivals Williams that his team are now ready to step in and find a solution to Jenson Button's contract dispute – and he has even hinted on a compensation package.

Fry has previously insisted that the matter had to be resolved in private between Button and Williams, but with a deadlock remaining he has made it clear that BAR are now ready to get involved themselves if asked.

"If Williams came to us and wanted to do a deal then we are open to discussion," said Fry ahead of the Turkish Grand Prix. "The final details have to be sorted between Williams and Jenson but if it helps and Williams want to involve us then we are all open to help the situation."

There have been suggestions that one way of BAR placating Williams may be by helping them secure a future supply of Honda engine, but Fry has said it would be more likely to be a financial deal that was hammered out.

"It is up to them to make a suggestion," he added. "I think he (Jenson) is worth a lot to both teams. We wouldn't be squabbling over him if he were not, but his value is impossible to quantify."