Montagny back to Renault?

UPDATE This rumor is downgraded to 'false' given that Kovalainen will be Renault's third driver next year. See Hot News page. 11/09/05 It is now reported that Renault, which earlier moved Franck Montagny aside to make room for Finland-born GP2 runner up Kovalainen as tester, is reconsidering.

On the back of rumors that Renault development driver Kovalainen has in fact been released to sign a two-year BMW race deal, Montagny says he has now been asked to test for the Enstone based team in December.

It could mean that the Frenchman will again fill the official test driver spot while Kovalainen, 24, earns race experience ahead of a possible Renault return in 2008.

Montagny told the French L'Equipe daily sports newspaper: ''(Renault) told me that it was finished between us.

''But they called me … to ask if I could drive in December. I wasn't supposed to be with them next year but here I am developing their car!''

At this stage Franck will test for Renault on November 30th through December 2nd in Barcelona, and the Dev 7-10 in Jerez after being called up by the French squad. There is every chance he will make a return flight to the US in between these commitments to test a Champ Car for Rocketsports.