Detroit’s New Big-3

With sales continuing to plummet while foreign car sales continue to surge, Detroit's Big 3 – GM, Ford and Chrysler are set to be replaced by Toyota, Honda and Nissan, as the three largest sellers of automobiles in the USA.

Led by union contracts which prohibit them from competing on fair ground with the Japanese automakers, as well as increased market share for Mercedes, BMW and South Korea's Hyundai and KIA, we may soon see Industry experts saying "stick a fork in them, they're done," as many experts say GM, Ford and Chrysler will eventually fold or be bought out by the Japanese giants. Already we are reading stories that GM may form an alliance with Renault and Nissan. It may be the only way for them to survive. But if they cannot cut their ties with the labor unions, there may be no saving them.

The Ford vs. Chevy vs. Dodge battle in NASCAR could eventually be the Toyota vs. Honda vs. Nissan battle. Never say never.