Montreal ticket sales up

Word on the street is that Montreal promoter Alan Labrosse's Wal-Mart partnership is proving to be very successful. They have an unbelievable amount of consumer traffic through their stores and their in-store radio promos and the multiple life-size cardboard cut-outs of Andrew Ranger on display are serving the 5th Annual Montreal Champ Car Grand Prix very well. We hear that this year you will notice a strong increase of spectators sitting in the grandstands facing the start-finish pit-lane area. Obviously the pricing of the these tickets (only $81.00 including paddock access) of which $27.00 is contributed to the Operation Enfant Soleil sick children’s foundation makes this partnership a win, win, win opportunity for all parties. Depending on ticket sales this month, we are told that management is confident the race will have a better crowd than what we saw in 2005. Mark C.