Gordon insinuates Earnhardt has cheater motor

Jeff Gordon made it clear yesterday he's not happy with the bumping tactics of Dale Earnhardt, Jr. Then, he challenged NASCAR officials to do something about it.

"I don't know if it's motor or what he has there, but that guy [Earnhardt] seems to be able to run into the back of people harder than anybody else out there," said Gordon, who finished 36th after starting fourth. "He's a great drafter. I love racing with him, but man, does he run into the back of people."

Earnhardt, ultimately bumped from the lead in the waning moments on the last lap, responded by suggesting Gordon deal with it.

"I pushed Jeff Gordon into the lead five times, and every time I do that he complains that I'm bump-drafting him in the corners and blah, blah, blah," Earnhardt said. "So, I'm just not going to push him anymore.

"Besides, every time I help him out, he never gives it back in return. That's why he doesn't have too many friends out there. I was trying to be his only friend, besides his teammates, who are kind of paid to draft with him."

When asked to respond to Earnhardt's comments, an angry Gordon simply looked the other way. Times Dispatch

[Editor's Note: Reading between the lines here it sounds as though Gordon is saying that Earnhardt must have more HP than anyone else because he is able to slam people from behind harder than anyone else. Is Gordon saying that Earnhardt got the infamous "call" and was given the bigger restrictor plate than everyone else, or is he just mad because Earnhardt is banging him around too much? It's difficult to be certain of Gordon's real intent with that statement.]