Big improvements in store for Houston

According to sources, look for some big improvements for next year's Houston race. They are currently using a laser mapping machine to profile the race surface in preparation for a major diamond grinding effort that will go on to smooth the rough surface. We hear that in one area it may be cheaper to resurface it rather than grind it because too much grinding would be required. A consultant has been hired and the entire inside of the track will be laid out differently including all new larger grandstands. One very large grandstand has been bought by the Fiesta food store chain, which caters to Mexicans, and they will sell tickets to it exclusively to their customers, and it will include a shirt and other goodies. We also hear that a deal was done with Mexican star Adrian Fernandez to help sell the event to Mexican fans both in Mexico and the USA. Fernandez will participate in the event as an ALMS team owner. The ALMS event will be Saturday night. The track will also be slightly reconfigured with the pit straight prior to the first turn running more toward the northeast before turning left for a new permanent chicane in the first corner. The pitlane has also been reconfigured to accommodate more cars that are expected next year.