Tesla Model 3 Review By Edmunds – Video


Edmunds’ newest long-term test vehicle is a Tesla Model 3, so this is the first of an upcoming assortment of professional reviews.

As many of you are aware, when Edmunds acquires a vehicle for long-term testing, there’s generally an initial article/video, followed by more detailed information at a later date, and then concluded with a recap at the end of one year of use. This is meant to give the reader an idea of what it’s like to “live with" the vehicle.

Being that this is just Edmunds’ introduction post, the publication hasn’t had an opportunity to get into the nitty, gritty details about the Tesla Model 3. In fact, Edmunds has not yet taken the Model 3 to the track. Nonetheless, we look very forward to the wealth of details that will come from the upcoming process.

Dan Edmunds, Director of Vehicle Testing, spent a weekend with the Model 3, thus far. His key takeaways are as follows:

  • Don’t lose track of the key card (if your phone dies you’ll be locked out)
  • The minimalistic dashboard really works well
  • The interior feels very clean and “not cheap"
  • There’s plenty of logical interior storage
  • The trunk opening is large
  • The internet browser and the power menu is either not present, or buried in menus
  • The owner’s manual is missing or hidden in menus
  • There is no physical owner’s manual in the glovebox
  • Outward visibility is excellent (even out back … )
  • The car offers plenty of thrust
  • The steering wheel has a nice feel and you can adjust its level of effort
  • Good grip, minimal body roll, although a bit firm for rough roads (it feels like a Tesla)
  • Rear-wheel drive lessens the function of the regenerative braking
  • Great stereo! (as part of the currently mandatory Premium Upgrades package)
  • Touch screen is cool and mostly simple (though some operations are too hard to perform while driving)
  • Adjusting the steering wheel tilt and mirrors is difficult at first
  • Wiper controls on the touch screen is an issue
  • The air vent system is very well-designed
  • Cruise control and Autopilot controls are “weird"
  • Looking to your right (at the screen) while driving is the biggest problem that Dan repeats throughout the review