Is NASCAR 75M fan claim a lie?

If NASCAR's figures are correct, over two million people in this mass of humanity are NASCAR fans. That's 25 percent of the 8.2 million people who call New York City home. NASCAR has claimed for years that 75 million of us are fans, roughly one out of four Americans and one out of every three adults.

Hmmm. Even with the NASCAR stars in town this week, I'll take a wild guess and say a quick survey might fail to produce such a lofty number of NASCAR followers scurrying about Manhattan.

Should I be so inclined, and I'm not, I could stand on the corner today at Rockefeller Center and ask folks who walked by if they were NASCAR fans.

Even excluding the ones who glared at or cursed me, I seriously doubt one in four would claim a membership in the NASCAR Nation. Maybe one in 40. More at