No NY City or Seattle before 2011

UPDATE During a session at the Motorsports Marketing Forum in NY City this past week, where several issues facing NASCAR and other sanctioning bodies were discussed, the matter of the proposed speedway in Staten Island was brought up in an interesting way. The attendees who thought there would be a NASCAR race in New York before one in China were asked to raise their hands. None did. Then, all the New Yorkers in attendance were asked to raise their hands if they thought a track would be built in their city. None did. Interesting. It would indicate that ISC’s attempt to put a track in the country’s No. 1 market is a task that might be too formidable to complete – at least, that seems to be the opinion expressed at the forum. More at

07/07/06 ISC Chief Operating Officer John Saunders said Thursday that the earliest a track could open in New York City or Seattle likely will be 2011. Talking with financial analysts to discuss the company's earnings, Saunders said the slow-moving process in trying to get the political backing necessary to earn governmental approvals have delayed the projects.

ISC hopes to build a 1.2-mile track southwest of Seattle and a three-quarter-mile track on New York's Staten Island.

"We are realistically now, because of some of the regulatory and the political process in both the state of Washington and state of New York, 2011 will be more likely" Saunders said. "We were hopeful for 2010, but it appears it will be more [like] 2011."