DCX close to naming Chrysler top bidder

The preferred bidder to buy the Chrysler Group is expected to emerge by the end of next week, the Detroit Free Press has learned. Top DaimlerChrysler AG officials are expected to continue to meet with potential buyers in New York City this week and next, a person familiar with the process said.

Meanwhile, DaimlerChrysler Chief Executive Dieter Zetsche met with union leaders Tuesday in Stuttgart, Germany, in advance of corporate supervisory board meetings today and Thursday.

"Clearly they are moving forward with their agenda," said Jerry Dias, Canadian Auto Workers national representative. Dias was in the Tuesday meeting along with members of the UAW and German labor union IG Metall.

In Stuttgart, the unions reiterated their position that Chrysler should not be sold to a private equity firm, Dias said. Julia Engelhardt, a DaimlerChrysler spokeswoman, declined to comment Tuesday. More at Detroit Free Press