Did Pope save Kubica?

UPDATE "I know nothing about this," Kubica told Reuters at the French Grand Prix, after being passed fit to race again on Sunday.

"In Poland there are many things that are reported that are not true.

"I don't know by whom I was saved, I don't know if I was saved by someone. I'm here in one piece so I think that is very positive," he added.

06/28/07 Polish-born Formula 1 driver Robert Kubica who emerged unhurt from a spectacular crash June 10, may be called by the Vatican to testify to alleged miracles performed by the late Polish- born Pope John Paul II, Poland's PAP news agency reported Thursday. Kubica always races in a helmet emblazoned with the late pope's name and was wearing just such a helmet when his car spun out of control and crashed at the Canadian Grand Prix June 10. Few onlookers thought he had survived.

According to the PAP, the story of Kubica's "miraculous survival" is likely to feature in an upcoming issue of the Vatican's "Totus Tuus" monthly magazine devoted to the beatification of the late Pope John Paul II.

The PAP also quotes anonymous Vatican sources saying Kubica's testimony could be included as part of the information attesting to the alleged miracles performed by the late Pope John Paul II.

But race car experts say special cockpit technology called 'the Hans system' enabled the BMW-Sauber driver to escape with his life from the spectacular 230 kilometres per hour crash in Montreal.

Although the car was a complete wreck, Kubica, 22, suffered only slight concussion and a sprained ankle.

Vatican officials are currently focused on the unexplained recovery of French Marie-Simon-Pierre from Parkinson's Disease after praying to the late Pope John Paul II for a return to good health.

Pope Benedict XVI has put the beatification of his celebrated predecessor Pope John Paul II on a fast track, foreshadowing a likely early canonization as a saint.

Vatican officials must document several alleged miracles attributed to the late pontiff after his death in order to declare him a saint. EarthTimes