Penske sick too?

UPDATE #2 So this rumor was 'fact' after all, with Penske finally admitting he had a health issue. Roger Penske, who took over promotion of the Belle Isle race last year, was again proud to showcase the event Sunday, but what looked even better was his step. In the aftermath of surgery in June, he has more of a bounce in his step than in recent weeks. "We put a new set of tires on it and said, 'Let's go,' " he said, joking. In removing a spot on his kidney, Penske also had a kidney and a rib taken out. The incision through the middle of his body was about 2 feet long. "That makes it hard to either stand up or even walk," he said. IndyStar

08/24/08 This rumor is downgraded to 'false' today. Visually here at Infineon Raceway Roger looks perfectly healthy to us, but some rumors say he visits the Mayo Clinic regularly.

Question: Wondering if you could provide any update regarding the health status of both Paul Newman and Roger Penske. My sources indicate both are battling cancer. (Doug, Brownsburg, Ind.)

Answer: I can't give you a specific update; that's for them to describe. But Newman didn't look good at Indy. Penske hasn't looked as strong recently as earlier in the year, but remember he's recovering from surgery. Indy Star

[Editor's Note: There have been rumors that Penske may be battling cancer too, but whatever it is, it's far worse than the public is led to believe.]