DEI/Ganassi team – Chevy or Dodge?

General Motors has not been told whether the new Earnhardt-Ganassi Racing team will field Chevrolets next season, according to Pat Suhy, GM's NASCAR manager. Dale Earnhardt Inc., a four-car Chevrolet team, and Chip Ganassi Racing, a two-car Dodge team, announced Wednesday their plans to merge for the 2009 season. They did not announce a manufacturer, but Dodge teams seem resigned to the probability that the new four-car organization will race Chevrolets next season.

[Editor's Note: Chip Ganassi is a smart businessman. He knows that Chrysler will soon cease to exist as a company and he knows that Dodge cannot keep pace with Chevy and Toyota on the race track, so rest assured the merged team will run the Chevrolet nameplate. The Ganassi cars will just have to change the decals on the cars from Dodge to Chevy and drop a DEI engine under the hood.]