F1 to introduce standard KERS

The future of KERS came under question last week and despite Flavio Briatore claiming FOTA wants rid of the system altogether, it seems either a cheap customer option or standardized system will come into place for 2010.

There was much talk of the exciting new technology ahead of the season and once the rather inconvenient problems with electronic discharge through mechanics and drivers were solved there seemed to be a general confidence that the concept was worth investing in, for the sake of Formula One and the future of cars on the road.

But the cost and time of developing the systems, when so many other new rule changes had been introduced for the 2009 season, prevented all but the richest teams from developing KERS systems in time for the start of the season.

If the standardized KERS solution is voted in, those that have not finalized their designs will need to decide whether the advantage it gives is worth spending all that money to get it on their cars later in the year only for their work to be rendered meaningless and of no advantage by its end.

Needless to say, you would expect those with KERS to likely be fighting for individual team designs to continue while those who spent the money on developing their cars rather than their KERS will be very keen to be handed a solution on a plate. Yahoo! Sports