IndyCar title probably will be won on dumb luck

Which of these four drivers will win the IndyCar title? Will they win on skill or IndyCar crapshoot luck?
Which of these four drivers will win the IndyCar title? Will they win on skill or IndyCar crapshoot luck?

Because of the way IndyCar does their yellow flags, closing the pits, and not having a virtual safety car, means race outcomes can become a total crapshoot – based on pure luck and not skill – the Portland race is the latest example. We can give you many others.

The 2018 IndyCar champion will be crowned this weekend at Sonoma in a crapshoot between Scott Dixon, Alexander Rossi, Will Power and Josef Newgarden.

A total crapshoot that could result in the champion winning by pure luck, and not skill, because 1) IndyCar refuses to address its inferior caution flag methodology, 2) Once behind other cars at Sonoma it's nearly impossible to pass, 3) Push-To-Pass can be used as a defense mechanism (why?) meaning the driver trying to pass usually cannot not, making P2P at total waste, and 4) IndyCar can determine to screw a driver by waiting to go to full course yellow, which closes the pits – i.e. they can hold the light until one driver has already entered the pits but others have not – those following finding the pits suddenly closed.

It's really too bad that we have to report this, but that is the way it is until IndyCar does something to fix it. The pits should never be closed and virtual safety car technology is available today and should be implemented.