Mayfield Injunction likely to be rescinded

The U.S. District Court judge who initially granted an injunction that lifted driver Jeremy Mayfield's suspension for what NASCAR says was a May 1 drug test that was positive for methamphetamines now likely will be the one who rescinds the injunction. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit decided Friday to send NASCAR's appeal of the July 1 injunction back to District Court Judge Graham Mullen, who has since indicated that he would rescind the injunction based on new evidence and injunction standards. That, according to court filings, would be fine with Mayfield, who never did get back on the track after obtaining the July 1 injunction and having his suspension lifted. The appeals court granted NASCAR's request for a stay of the injunction July 24, and Mayfield has been suspended since then and has sold his team. Mayfield has asked to have the injunction issue sent back to Mullen so it could be dropped and the case can move quickly. The earliest a trial would be is September 2010, and the only consequence for not having the injunction is that Mayfield would not be able to race in NASCAR until a decision is made at trial. More at SceneDaily