NO TV for Indy Lights?

We are hearing that the Freedom 100 will be the only Indy Lights race that will be televised this year. This is a big problem for the Road to Indy. What will it say if the Star Mazda series has more exposure than Indy Lights? The Lights series carries a price tag of about $1.2 Million to be a title contender. How is the Road to Indy ever going to be a true development platform for Indy Car if you can't attract real sponsors? All you will ever see is a bunch of rich kids out there, and some foreigners with patriotic dollars supporting them (as we know they can't be getting any true ROI out of it) The support series need a way to be able to justify real sponsorship programs, or it they are just a novelty in the racing ladder. The top tier of the sport will never really benefit from them.

Now…if there is some kind of redistribution of funds taking place, where the prize money payouts are going to dramatically higher, then you could see the drivers having to raise less money themselves, and getting it back out of the prize money. Especially if the ultimate prize is enough to pay for the next step to IndyCar. Perhaps this is what is in the works…but we will have to see.