HER CEO trashes IndyCar in online forum

We came across this post by Alex Lloyd's former sponsor HER on a racing forum. We will reserve our own comment on this one.


I must say that as a fan of sports I certainly understand your interest in Indy Racing and your passion for a talent driver such as Alex. That said, I must say that not only is the threatening tone of your email completely inappropriate, it is misdirected and ignorant. As I’m sure you have noticed there are many sponsors on a car that come together to make running a team feasible; we are simply one of many. All of these sponsors are in business to sell their respective products and or services and not in the business of racing. With viewership down and Versus being dropped by millions of households there simply isn’t the same advertising exposure for Indy as their once was.

You should take note of the dozens of Fortune 100 companies who have left Indy Racing including McDonalds. Perhaps you should blog about them. Perhaps you should blog about how HER Energy is responsible for putting Alex Lloyd in more Indy races than any other brand in history. Perhaps instead of blogging about your hatred of HER you should spend your time trying to increase awareness of Indy so that the sport doesn’t continue to die the slow death which is has for the past 20 years.

I wish you luck in all of your future endeavors and for the record you can note that is it emails like yours which is the reason that brands are leaving the sport. No one wants to waste their time and money supporting a sport whose fans show no loyalty or support for the brands that allow their sport to exist.


Brett Jacobson