Reality setting in that fully autonomous vehicles may never happen

While monkeys, from which atheists believe we descended are not growing smarter, humans are. Someone decided the world needed a species with supreme intelligence, something a monkey will never have even 10 million years from now
While monkeys, from which atheists believe we descended are not growing smarter, humans are. Someone decided the world needed a species with supreme intelligence, something a monkey will never have even 10 million years from now

You can program a computer to play chess well and beat a human (sometimes) because there are a finite number of chess moves and strategies on a board with fixed number (64) of squares. predicted that we are a long way off from having a computer reason like the human mind to control a car in an infinite number of situations where idiot drivers do the dumbest things.

Combine that with varying weather and light conditions and you are asking for disaster… all the companies trying to do autonomous vehicles are finding out.

Layoffs are beginning and progress toward a fully autonomous vehicle appears to have ground to a halt.

Whoever designed the human brain did quite a good job…..well OK, yes there are some pretty bad drivers out there, but in general humans do a reasonable job of driving a car and avoiding situations a computer cannot deal with. In a panic situation, a computer can only deal with situations for which it was programmed.