Tesla Driver Killed After colliding with a Tree

Driver burns to death. No one thought to break the windows
Driver burns to death. No one thought to break the windows

The driver of a 2016 Tesla Model S was killed in Davie, Florida on Sunday after his vehicle struck a tree and was engulfed in flames. Onlookers and emergency responders were unable to rescue the driver trapped in the burning car when the door handles reportedly failed to deploy. (See video)

According to reports, the Model S swerved through three lanes of traffic before it ventured into the median. That's when the vehicle struck several trees and came to a stop before catching fire.

"Model S has unique door handles. Under normal conditions, when you press a handle, it extends to allow you to open the door," reads Tesla's guide for emergency responders. "When an airbag inflates, Model S unlocks all doors, the trunk, and extends all door handles."

It's not immediately clear why the handles did not extend when the airbags deployed. The Drive