Lotus gets help with IndyCar engine

UPDATE Lotus has been granted permission by IndyCar to make performance-based upgrades to its engine to help it close the gap to rivals Chevrolet and Honda. This rumor is upgraded to 'fact' today. Series regulations provided one mid-season window in which manufacturers could submit a request to make performance upgrades to components that are otherwise frozen. According to the rules, the manufacturer must be able to demonstrate that has more than a 2.5 per cent deficit in power in order for its request to be considered.

Lotus has sought assistance from external engineering companies in its effort to identify the work that needs to be done to make its engine more competitive. It submitted its request for permission to upgrade last Monday, and Lotus IndyCar manager Olivier Picquenot confirmed at Iowa Speedway that IndyCar has given the green light.

"Lotus has been working with outside engineering firms, in conjunction with Mr. John Judd [whose company builds the engines] and his enterprise," he said.

"The purpose is to get some outside help to assist in the new development plan for the Lotus engine in IndyCar. Everyone has been working well together and looking to make some quick progress in a concrete way. Now that the IndyCar Series has given us permission to improve the engine performance, things will be moving soon." Autosport

06/23/12 As permitted by IndyCar rules, Lotus has submitted a plan to improve its engine, although Will Phillips, IndyCar's vice president of technology, said details are still being finalized. The modifications, which include help from an unidentified outside source, figure to be in place by the July 8 race in Toronto, Phillips said. Indy Star