Vettel to rake in cash

Sebastian Vettel

Sebastian Vettel has the chance to cash in heavily on his F1 World Champion title because he has the ingredients to attract sponsors, a sports marketing expert has said.

However, Sport+Markt top official Marcel Cordes also told the German Press Agency that Vettel still needs to create an image for himself as he is so far mainly associated with his team (Red Bull) and its products.

"Sebastian Vettel is the youngest World Champion. Apart from the title he also comes across as a very pleasant person. That is very exciting for a company," said Cordes. "But he still lacks in contour."

Vettel became the youngest F1 Champion at age 23 on 14 November, taking that title from McLaren's Lewis Hamilton. The media attention has continued ever since as Vettel was feted in his home town of Heppenheim and made appearances at events in Berlin and Dusseldorf on the weekend.

Codes said that Vettel could join top German sports earners who make 2-5 million euros per year from endorsements, but that further success was required to reach the world elite in this area, such as golf star Tiger Woods or tennis hero Roger Federer.