Hamilton says he’s the best driver in the world

Lewis Hamilton proclaims himself to be the best driver (Were they to be on the same team, Sebastian Vettel would bury him)

A cocky Lewis Hamilton proclaimed during a grueling five-and-a-half-hour International Court of Appeal hearing in Paris that he is the best driver in the world.

Lawyers representing McLaren, the FIA and Ferrari initially argued for two hours if the appeal against a retrospective 25-second drive-through penalty imposed against Hamilton at the Belgian Grand Prix 15 days ago was admissible.

After an adjournment, Hamilton then stood up to the test of effectively being put on the stand, holding firm under cross-examination from Ferrari’s counsel, Nigel Tozzi QC.

At one point Hamilton rounded on Tozzi as he attempted to explain the incident, saying: “Are you a racing driver? No. I have been a racing driver since I was eight years old and I know pretty much every single maneuver in the book, and that’s why I’m the best at my job.

“We’re talking about a skilled driver under intense pressure making a split-second decision which no one, unless they are in F1, can comprehend."