Pontiac dealer offers to buy brand

Davison, MI, Pontiac-Buick-GMC dealer Jim Waldron isn't ready to give up on the Pontiac brand just yet. During a local news program on Flint ABC affiliate WJRT-12, Waldron revealed that he had made an offer to General Motors to buy Pontiac. Earlier in the week, GM announced that the Pontiac brand would be shut down no later than the end of 2010.

However, GM VP for North American Communications, Tom Pyden, later told the station that no deal would happen since the brand is not for sale. The latest viability plan put forward by the automaker makes no provision for spinning off Pontiac like it does with Hummer and Saturn.

However, if someone offers cash for Pontiac, it seems hard to imagine GM turning a blind eye to the deal. This would be especially true if the potential buyer offered to take over some closed factories to use for manufacturing, as Waldron intends to do. However, it's even harder to imagine that Waldron could make a going concern of a stand-alone Pontiac. Source: WJRT 12