NY Times Square Ferrari Stunt Crash

UPDATE Early this morning, an SUV jumped a curb not three blocks from where the prior accident had occurred and injured nine people, some of whom were members of the movie's production crew. The woman driving the SUV was not associated with the film, but it appears this film is destined to include some real body count.

05/06/09 Early Monday morning, a black Ferrari F430 crashed into the Sbarro restaurant on 47th Street in Times Square while filming a stunt for “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice," a movie starring Nicolas Cage. The Ferrari and a silver Mercedes-Benz were involved in a chase scene at around 1 a.m., when the Ferrari slid out of control. According to the police, which had cordoned off parts of Seventh Avenue, the Ferrari stunt driver, identified as Jeremy Fry, was supposed to “power slide" the car on Seventh. The Ferrari slid too far, jumped a curb, knocked over an electrical pole and smashed into the entrance of the Sbarro.