Surfers suing A1GP

Australian Premier Anna Bligh is taking legal action to recover the £1million given to A1GP boss Tony Teixeira after his series failed to show at the Gold Coast event last month.

The fees were paid as a deposit for the cancelled A1GP race which was due to be part of the SuperGP event. Despite Teixeira issuing a statement that the money would be returned, along with a charitable donation for the problems caused, the cash has still not been returned forcing the Australian Government to launch legal action.

"Clearly we are dealing with people who can't be relied upon and that is why we are not going to rely on their word," said Bligh.

"While I am encouraged to see them making statements that they will pay it back we will be taking legal action to ensure that happens. We are a creditor of this company and we will be exercising our legal rights."