ACO asks LeMans to move scrutineering to Sunday

LeMans Scrutineering – a highly-colorful spectacle!
N.Cousseau – ACO/Nikon

The Automobile Club de l’Ouest confirms that at the end of 2009 it asked the Le Mans town hall if scrutineering* for the 2010 Le Mans 24 Hours could begin on Sunday afternoon 6th June. This would enable many people to take advantage of this free event on what is a rest day, and would also attract a large crowd from the neighboring departments and the Parisian region.

“The local impact and media fallout are obvious and they would help promote the image of the 24 Hours, as well as the entrants and drivers a week before the start of the race on 12th – 13th June," said Jean-Claude Plassart, the ACO President.

“Our services work in close collaboration with the town of Le Mans to settle technical and organizational problems," stated Ghislain Robert, the events and infrastructure manager.

The ACO will confirm the final dates of scrutineering in 2010 as soon as possible. Because of major works on the Place des Jacobins scrutineering will move for 3 years to a nearby location, the “Place du Jet d’Eau".