Mercedes Benz voted most successful motorsports brand

Mercedes-Benz has been recognized as the most successful name in motor racing by the AutoMarxX car brand index. The ‘PKW Monitor’ survey is conducted by the German motoring organization ADAC for publication in its Motorwelt magazine, with around 4000 members of the public being quizzed. The latest poll in December 2009 put Mercedes-Benz ahead when the respondents were asked "Which manufacturer is the most successful in motor racing?" ensuring that the brand defended its top spot position from the 2006 to 2008 surveys.

The ADAC introduced its AutoMarxX carmaker index in 2001 with the purpose of analyzing the reputation and market strength of 33 manufacturers retailing in Germany. The AutoMarxX brand comparison is compiled from various individual criteria such as brand image, market strength, customer satisfaction and product quality whilst also taking environmental and safety issues into account. The ADAC AutoMarxX has now been published 21 times, and in eleven of these, Mercedes-Benz came out ahead of the rest in the overall classification.