German rivals unhappy with ‘superstar’ Vettel

German rivals think Vettel's head is too big for his shoulders

(GMM) It would be fair to say Sebastian Vettel is not on the Christmas card list of two of his countrymen and F1 rivals.

Veteran journalist Roger Benoit, long-time correspondent for the Swiss newspaper Blick, travelled to Montreal on the same Zurich flight as Vettel and Mercedes' Nico Rosberg.

He said the pair were seated not a car's length apart, but neither greeted one another nor exchanged a single word.

Benoit said the reason for the freeze was "clear": a few days earlier, Rosberg had said Vettel was definitely to blame for his crash with Red Bull teammate Mark Webber in Turkey.

Meanwhile, after Sunday's Canadian grand prix, 22-year-old Vettel triggered the temper of Force India driver Adrian Sutil.

Vettel, he revealed to the media, had approached the 27-year-old and sarcastically asked if his rearview mirrors had fallen off during the Montreal race.

"He should be quiet. He thinks he's a superstar," Sutil is quoted as retorting.