UST Global & Virgin Racing Launch New Race Management System

This year’s British Grand Prix will see the launch of an innovative new race management tool, designed exclusively for Virgin Racing by Official IT Services Provider UST Global.

In an environment where split second decisions have to be taken in the heat of the moment, it’s vital that the team’s engineers have the clear 360 degree overview they need of the race, in order to make the right calls when it comes to race strategy.

To provide the Virgin Racing team with this overview, UST Global has built an integrated software application based on a client/server model. A media server captures and stores hundreds of gigabytes of audio-visual feeds from trackside and on-car cameras, vital data such as timing feeds, GPS positioning of the Virgin Racing cars relative to the competition and external weather information. This data is then streamed to an integrated dashboard display where it is presented clearly, either in real-time or on-demand. Race engineers on the pit wall are then able to analyze the data and make informed decisions concerning strategy for both drivers.

Nick Wirth, Technical Director of Virgin Racing, commented: “We are developing an extremely exciting technical partnership with UST Global, whose dedicated team of professionals provide us with invaluable expertise and knowledge in the IT field. Their new race management system will be a huge advantage for us during race weekends and will provide a significant contribution to our team’s performance."

James Jarvis, Director of Business Development of UST Global, commented: “In less than three months, in an industry we’ve never worked in before, and leveraging the very latest technology, we are proud to have built an innovative new race management system from scratch that will help the team make critical decisions during races. We’ve already started working on several new and exciting IT projects for Virgin Racing that we’re sure will contribute to Virgin Racing successfully being crowned the best of the new teams this year."