Ecclestone talks about attack

The diminutive Ecclestone (L) with his former wife Slavica is so short he must look like a soft touch to would-be thieves. "They look for victims, they look for anyone who looks like a soft touch and not too bright," said the Briton in Sao Paulo after Jenson Button almost got mugged. "People who look a bit soft and simple, they will always have a go at."

FOM chief Bernie Ecclestone has spoken out after his harrowing ordeal on the weekend that saw him and his young girlfriend attacked by robbers outside his London home, telling the Daily Express that he would have handed over the items that were taken if he was only asked for them…

“It was completely stupid and uncalled-for," he said of the attack. "If they had confronted me and asked for everything we had, I would have handed over everything in my pockets, my wallet, anything."

However, instead of being asked, Ecclestone was knocked to the ground and kicked and punched into unconsciousness. He was taken to hospital after the attack and released with an all clear from the doctors. Meanwhile, his Brazilian girlfriend Fabiana Flosi, was physically unharmed in the incident, but was quite shaken up by what went down.

Ecclestone explained just what happened to the British publication…..

“I’m feeling it now. A bit painful; it was a good whacking. I drove, as I often do, and we had just got out of the car when suddenly these guys laid into me. They said nothing to me, just went on the attack, so there was no chance to feel scared or react. When I was on the ground I could hear Fabiana screaming for help, and I took a kick or two in the head and went unconscious. When I came to, there was blood everywhere from my head wound but I was lucky, they weren’t worried about taking my eye out or head injuries when they were kicking."

Initial reports indicated that the eighty year old Formula one boss lost 200,000 pounds worth of items, but Ecclestone denied that they were worth that much….

“They took our watches and a few other bits and pieces, but I never carry much money or expensive jewelry. Most of Fabiana’s stuff was just personal from Brazil and not worth much. They won’t be going far on what they took off us."