Baltimore wants to be most sustainable race

The Baltimore Grand Prix today announced at the Washington Auto Show a strategy that would result in it becoming the most sustainable racing event in the U.S. Scott Atherton, President and CEO of the American Le Mans Series presented by Tequila Patr¢n, introduced BGP President Jay Davidson who made the announcement at the U.S. Department of Energy display at the show.

The ALMS, which races in the inaugural Baltimore Grand Prix on Sept. 2-3, is recognized as the Global Leader in Green Racing. All race cars compete using alternative fuels and energy sources as manufacturers develop innovative, fuel-efficient technologies that ultimately transfer to consumer vehicles.

Dyson Racing, which competes in the ALMS, had its Mazda-powered Lola prototype on display and was lauded as of the type of car that fans would see race at the American Le Mans Series’ event along Baltimore’s Inner Harbor. The Dyson LMP1 class race car uses isobutanol as its fuel and G-Oil, a non-petroleum animal-fat based lubricant, for its oil. Dyson announced G-Oil as a new corporate partner earlier this week.

Davidson indicated that the strategy has made the BGP attractive not only to corporate partners but has created a lot of goodwill in the community, as well. Among the sustainability elements included the customary recycling, composting, public transportation initiatives, but Davidson indicated the BGP has taken some additional steps that should allow the event to achieve its goals over the next five years.

Other initiatives include:
• Creating a Green Improvement Zone that will concentrate on putting solar panels on the Baltimore Convention Center; replacing LED street lights with solar lighting; replacing steel light poles with aluminum ones; and creating charging stations for electric vehicles (EV) and hybrid electric vehicles (HEV)
• Using hybrid vehicles to transport fans
• Developing a system for cleaner runoff from the city streets, including the possible use of bio-swales
• Bundling parking by ticket-holder zip codes, eliminating the fans’ arduous and energy-wasting search for parking
• Retaining a world-class arborist, Scott Rykiel (Mahan Rykiel Associates), regarding a vegetation and tree regeneration program
• Developing a “green team" of local corporations such as Constellation Energy and Under Armour, who have taken sustainability leadership positions in other Baltimore events
• Engaging Strategic Services International (SSI) that affiliated with a carbon “war room" in association with the U.S. Department of Energy to find ways for companies to become carbon neutral.

Ticket information for the Baltimore Grand Prix – and other ALMS events – is available at