ESPN Motorsports producer jailed

UPDATE Public indecency and disorderly conduct charges against former ESPN senior motorsports producer Neil Goldberg have been dropped, according to Connecticut criminal online records. The charges stemmed from an October arrest following a peeping incident in which he was allegedly masturbating outside a neighbor’s window while watching her get dressed. Goldberg appeared Thursday in Hartford Community Court in front of Judge Raymond Norko, who dismissed all charges, Goldberg attorney Richard Brown said Friday.

Goldberg, who lost his job at ESPN following the arrest, never admitted guilt and there was no finding of any criminal wrongdoing.

“Mr. Goldberg does not constitute a danger to the community. … Because of his otherwise unblemished record, he was given the benefit of the doubt," Brown said.

Brown said Goldberg had no comment. When contacted, the state attorney’s office in Hartford would not discuss the case. SceneDaily

10/12/10 ESPN senior motorsports producer Neil Goldberg, considered one of the most accomplished producers in the racing business, is no longer with the network after being arrested last Tuesday on charges of public indecency and disorderly conduct for a peeping incident.

An ESPN spokesman confirmed Monday that Goldberg is no longer with the company.

According to the Farmington (Conn.) Police Department’s online arrest log, Goldberg turned himself in on a warrant after he was identified as a man standing on a stool masturbating while peering through a neighbor’s window. According to the arrest log, Goldberg admitted masturbating outside the window while watching an adult female victim get dressed in her bedroom.

The 52-year-old Goldberg posted $1,000 bond and has a court date scheduled for Wednesday.