RCR still looking for sponsorship in a few races for #33 car

Clint Bowyer, was the guest on the NASCAR Weekly Video Teleconference. One question concerned sponsorship of the #33 in 2011:

Q. I was watching the Texas race, and you ran real well there, and afterwards when you were doing an interview, you were sort of inviting other people, or companies, to come and sponsor your car. I just wondered if you could talk a moment about the landscape for getting sponsors, how difficult it is, how challenging it is, in these economic times.

CLINT BOWYER: Very challenging. It's challenging for every race team. I mean, everybody is — haven't been on easy street really, but for lack of a better term, things have been pretty easy to come by sponsors and things over the years. And through the economy the way it is and a lot of things happening, you know, it has made it a lot more difficult, and we do have some open races toward the end of the year. It's important to me to make sure that I do everything I can possibly do, not only in the race car but like I did there at Texas outside the race car to make sure that I help Richard and everybody at RCR sell sponsorship. We're as big a part of it as anybody, and if we're not doing our job, it makes their job even more difficult.

Q. Since last week they [RCR] announced Burton had re-signed, that kind of leaves you at RCR as the lone guy over there at RCR to re-sign for next year. I was wondering if you've made any progress on that in the last three months.

CLINT BOWYER: Yeah, we haven't — I've talked to Richard a couple times, and hopefully we're getting close object that. I've just been having fun at the racetrack, focusing on what I can do. I haven't won, but we've been running well. The last four races have been really solid for us. If you go have fun at the racetrack then I feel like the rest will come. We've been doing that and doing a good job at that, and hopefully we can get our sponsors locked in and get everything put in place and not have to worry about it. Team Chevy PR