Michigan Motorsports HOF honors 2011 inductees

The 2011 induction banquet of the Michigan Motor Sports Hall of Fame was held Sunday afternoon at the Comfort Inn Conference Center in Mount Pleasant. The affair was attended by 300 people.

Accepting their awards included oval track drivers Marv Carman, Jerry Makara, John Doering, Jr, and Doug Finley as well as drag racer Doug Kalitta, engine builder Doug Flannery, and author Allan Brown.

Also accepting awards were Corey and Colin Kalitta for their late father Scott, who was one of the nation’s top drag racers until his tragic death in 2008. Also Billy Simmons accepted the award for his mother Joan, a former track promoter, who died in 2005. Motorcycle great Ernie Beckman was also honored.

Special awards were also presented to Stella Lindahl for the Dick Beebe Memorial Award. Verwayne Greenhoe was the recipient of the Mick Schuler Media Award, and Ron Parish was honored with the Lifetime Dedication Award.

John Anderson's widow Mary Ann accepted a belated award.

Front row: Jerry Makara; Doug Kalitta; Colin Kalitta; Allan Brown
Back row: Doug Flannery; Mary Ann Anderson; Billy Simmons; Corey Kalitta; Doug Finley; John Doering, Jr.