Some people should not have a Drivers License


A BMW made its own parking spot Thursday morning when it landed on top of two other cars.

The SUV was on the third floor of a parking garage around 11:15 a.m. at 20 E. Randolph St. in Chicago when the driver suddenly hit the gas, said Vicky Baftiri, who witnessed the incident.

The car flew through some wires and launched into the air, landing on top of a Jaguar and Mercedes.

"I was pulling out from my parking spot," Baftiri said. "If those cars weren't there he would've hit me."

The driver looked thoroughly shaken and Baftiri yelled to call 911. Chicago Police and fire officials arrived, and no one appeared injured.

The crash happened on the same floor as an Enterprise Rent-A-Car. A clerk at the kiosk told Baftiri the man was returning the rented vehicle. NBC Chicago