Phoenix Int’l Raceway Considering Track Improvements, Including Moving Start-Finish


Phoenix Int'l Raceway is "considering several capital improvements for the half-century old track — including the possibility of moving the start-finish line to the backstretch," according to Lee Spencer of

PIR President Bryan Sperber said, "We’re going to take a really hard look at our master plan over the next couple of months and start to answer some of those questions about how best to maximize the opportunities here at Phoenix."

Spencer noted what has "made the backstretch so attractive to fans is how the reconstruction of the one-mile track has enhanced the quality of racing."

Sperber: "We’ve really been blessed with a great racetrack and I think the next step for us is to make sure the rest of the facility matches the high quality of what we’re seeing in terms of the racing."

Spencer noted with the track "holding approximately 60,000 fans along the front stretch into Turns 1 and 2, a row of motorcoaches on the backstretch and a smattering of spectators on Rattlesnake Hill between Turns 3 and 4, there's certainly room for expansion."

Sperber: "We’ve looked at enhancing the front stretch. We’ve looked at some concepts, like adding a double-decker stand on the frontstretch. Certainly, the idea of developing some things on the back — were even talked about back in the late ‘90s"