Doornbos received offer to race at Midland

The Midland F1 team has offered Jordan's third driver Robert Doornbos a race contract for next season. The Dutchman currently shows his potential every Friday at the Grand Prix weekends. Next season the Jordan team will be renamed to Midland F1 and Doornbos could become one of their drivers.

Doornbos' manager Marco Zecchi told Dutch newspaper AD: "Midland's offer is not too bad. It's not a superb contract but it isn't bad either to be honest. Robert still has to bring in money though." Before Zecchi will sign the deal he wants to know what Midland F1's plans are for next season. Doornbos agrees with Zecchi: "We first have to hear from Midland what their plans are for next season," Doornbos told "If they show some positive plans then I would gladly become their racing driver next season."

"At Jordan I don't have to prove myself every week anymore," continued Doornbos. "We now just have to work really hard to get the maximum out of the car. I'd love to do some more miles though than just during the practice sessions on Friday. I hope we will do some testing soon again to cover more miles." [Editor's Note: Where does this leave Mario Dominguez, and current Jordan drivers Narain Karthikeyan and Tiago Monteiro? Four drivers for two seats. Champ Car will be beckoning two of them.]