Will AGR, Rahal, others, still get free engines?

Currently Honda supports some IRL teams such as Andretti Green, Rahal Letterman, etc. with massive amounts of financial support. With the exclusive Honda engine deal set to start in 2007, will these 'factory' Honda teams still get free engines and financial support while the rest have to pay for the engines? Will the current Chevy and Toyota teams have to pay Honda for their engines while others get theirs free? Will the Chevy and Toyota teams get the same 'latest' engine bits or will they be reserved for AGR and other current Honda teams? Will the teams that are currently subsidized by Honda, Toyota and Chevy be able to survive when they have to pay for their engines? Will the teams be able to afford those new chassis' slated for 2007? Will they be able to fill the 33-car field at Indy when all the team subsidies dry up? Will the IRL be a 1-class or 2-class series – the haves and the have-nots? Will HPD help to pay for its huge new facility on the backs of the IRL teams, or will Honda subsidize the entire field?

These and many more questions must be answered as the IRL faces life as a Honda-Only series.