A twelfth team for F1?

UPDATE Bernie Ecclestone is in the process of brokering a deal that will see a 12th team join the Formula 1 grid next season, according to a report in The Times. The newspaper claims that the sport’s impresario is prepared to bend the rule requiring teams to build bespoke chassis to allow a new squad backed by a Middle Eastern conglomerate to join the fray.

Although Ecclestone would need to persuade governing body the FIA of the case for waiving the rule, it chimes with Max Mosley’s own longer-term plans for driving down costs in F1.

Ecclestone added that he would if necessary act as a guarantor for the £30 million bond that the brand new team would have to pay to enter F1.

“They have been to see me and it is an interesting idea," Ecclestone told The Times. “I have always said that the sport needs new blood and this team will surprise many people. They have serious money and serious intentions so we should help them if we can." ITV-F1

10/15/05 At Suzuka a week ago, the buzz was all about a possible eleventh team for F1 next year. Now, in the Shanghai paddock, word is beginning to spread that the final spot in pitlane – a twelfth team – could also be about to be filled.

The British 'Times' newspaper reports that Bernie Ecclestone gave his 'personal approval' to the plan, involving Middle Eastern backers who have $177m to spend.

The only possible spanner in the works is that the group will not be in a position to design and build its own car, a mandatory requirement of Bernie's binding 'Concorde' agreement.

Ecclestone's support to overturn the long-standing rule, though, would probably also be of interest to the new 'Red Bull Rookie' team, Honda's proposed 'B' team, and McLaren, similarly considering a second F1 squad.

''I have always said that the sport needs new blood and this team will surprise many people,'' Ecclestone said in China. ''They have serious money and serious intentions so we should help them if we can.''