Is Midland in F1 to win?

If truth be told, Midland would probably prefer a healthy profit report than a grand prix win.

Unlike Red Bull, whose ultimate aim is to sell cans of caffeine-fuelled energy drink, Alex Shnaider bought his formula one team to run it as a money-making business.

'Midland' – a steel enterprise owned by billionaire Russian-Canadian Alex Shnaider – does not really sell anything to the public.

''We have a different approach to this (to Red Bull),'' team boss Colin Kolles admitted.

''Being financially successful is one of the important things for us because we have to generate money.

''It is not as if a manufacturer is paying us.''

Some observers say this explains why Midland pumped in minimal resources in 2005 — Midland's mere presence on the F1 grid, perhaps, is enough.

But Kolles insisted that 'MF1 Racing' is serious about the sport.

He said: ''It is a completely different approach for next year — more testing, a new look, everything is changed.''

Midland, however, is the only team not to have already tested ahead of the 2006 season.

Is winning the ultimate goal?

''Yes,'' Kolles insisted, ''but you have to be realistic.

''Right now it's almost impossible (to win) … because in normal circumstances you can't really compete with the manufacturers.''