Why the low car count in ALMS?

A reader asks, Dear AutoRacing1.com, I noticed that ALMS starting fields are only 22 or so cars. This is pathetic for a series with 4 classes. I remember when they used to have over 40. I also noticed that TV ratings are pretty low this year. Is this series dying? Dan Goldberg, Tucson, AZ

Dear Dan, The ALMS is plagued with several problems, 1) The split – the Grand-Am series is definitely draining away teams that would otherwise participate, 2) The cars are the stars instead of the drivers, 3) The factory teams destroy the privateer teams and hence drive them away. Who can beat them, so why compete. I did notice that this weekend's LMES race at Nurburgring had over 40 cars, but in Europe there is no split. Mark C.