New Yorkers could care less about NASCAR

NASCAR keeps trying to race its way into the hearts of New Yorkers, putting on one magnificent show after another. Unfortunately, the busy citizens of the city that never sleeps can only muster a collective yawn.

In sort of a reverse from the 1960s Green Acres television show, NASCAR decided almost three decades ago that the best way to sell its product was on Madison Avenue. Well, close to Madison Avenue. And pretty close to Broadway, too, which is part of the problem. NASCAR's acts are too staged.

Whether it's because New Yorkers are too jaded, too busy or too much of a blue state in a predominately red state sport, NASCAR — despite its best efforts — has yet to make much of an impact in the country's biggest city.

NASCAR holds its biggest party each year in Manhattan. The sanctioning body has held its annual awards banquet in Gotham City 25 times, with this Friday's event being NASCAR's 26th visit to the ritzy Waldorf-Astoria hotel.

Over the years, as NASCAR has grown, so has the season-ending event. In fact, it's now a multi-day affair called Champions Week filled with a plethora of NASCAR-created traditions. And while these events and their national exposure have helped NASCAR grow beyond its southern roots, they seem just another sideshow in the hectic circus that is New York City. More at