Kalkhoven’s and Forsythe’s resolve to succeed increasing

UPDATE Gerald Forsythe contacted AutoRacing1.com to say "I agree 100% with Kevin's statement. There is some in the media that have nothing better to do with their time than to report false negative rumors about us and we all know who they are. You have to consider the source.

"The four of us (Kalkhoven, Forsythe, Gentilozzi and Pettit) are dedicating our time and money to ensure that Champ Car is the premier open wheel series in North America. We are not going anywhere and we are here to stay."

04/20/07 One hot rumor that has been reported (by others) is per paddock talk Kevin Kalkhoven is tired of being boss of Champ Car and wants to get out? Some have advocated that Kevin Kalkhoven, Gerald Forsythe and Paul Gentilozzi sell Champ Car's assets to Tony George to thereby create one viable American open wheel series and an enhanced Indy 500.

We asked Kevin Kalkhoven whether there is any truth to this rumor.

"Complete nonsense," said Kalkhoven. "I have no desire to get out. Indeed I am increasing my involvement. There is no way that these rants from certain people are doing anything but strengthening our resolve."