Dennis denies involvement in sex scandal

UPDATE #3 (GMM) Max Mosley at Monza made plain his suspicion that the notorious expose about his sex life was the brainchild of his formula one enemies.

The FIA president, despite surviving the News of the World scandal that erupted after a prostitute wore a concealed camera, has engaged top British spy Lord Stevens to investigate the true source of the story.

"The fact that Stevens is quiet does not mean that Stevens is not working," Mosley told reporters at Monza, on a rare visit to a grand prix paddock on Friday.

"I do believe that it had more to do than with one lady. It's not from my private life. It's most likely something to do with motor racing," he added, agreeing when asked if by 'motor racing' he meant F1.

05/05/08 (GMM) Czech automobile association chief Radovan Novak has refused to withdraw his insinuation that McLaren officials may be responsible for prying into Max Mosley's private life and triggering the sex scandal.

He told Prague radio recently that the News of the World expose, involving the FIA president's sadomasochistic romp with five prostitutes that now threatens his job, could be retaliation for the devastating espionage affair of 2007.

McLaren chairman Ron Dennis categorically denied the charge that he ordered the London investigation, revealing that he has written to Novak for clarification of his remarks.

The Briton said his company was also "considering the appropriate route" for a correction or withdrawal by Novak.

But Novak, reportedly a close ally of Mosley's, confirmed to the Czech news agency CTK that the theory linking McLaren with the News of the World expose is "definitely a possibility".

Novak's quotes in the Czech language were reported in translation by the German specialist magazine Auto Motor und Sport.

"That is definitely a possibility that each intelligent person must consider," he said of the McLaren link.

"However, perhaps Mr. Mosley already knows who is responsible for it (the investigation)."

05/02/08 Radovan Novak, the head of the Czech Automobile Association who controversially suggested that Ron Dennis and McLaren helped to bring the Max Mosley sex scandal into the public eye in the belief that the matter is related to last year’s espionage saga, is standing by his comments.

Talking to Prague radio station Radio Impuls, Novak claimed that McLaren could have been involved in the setup against Mosley.

Ron Dennis has denied that he had any involvement in the matter and the McLaren team have written to Novak asking him to clarify what he said.

A statement released by Dennis read, “As I have consistently said whenever I have been asked about this, I categorically deny that I have anything to do with the News of the World investigation into Mr. Mosley.

“Neither does anyone connected with the McLaren Group or the Vodafone McLaren Mercedes team. And neither does any agent or any other party acting on my behalf or anyone connected with the McLaren Group or the team."

Despite McLaren’s denial of any form of involvement at the letter asking for clarification, Novak has told the Czech Press Agency that he stands by his comments. “It is definitely one of the possibilities every intelligent person has to consider," he explained. “But then maybe Mr. Mosley already knows who was behind it."

05/01/08 (GMM) Ron Dennis has vehemently denied suggestions that he could be the unknown figure behind the covert investigation that triggered the Max Mosley sex scandal.

Mosley, who faces a confidence vote in his FIA presidency next month, recently openly questioned the origin of the News of the World revelations.

He wrote in a letter to FIA affiliates in April that he had been pursued not by the tabloid newspaper, but for "reasons and clients as yet unknown".

The scandal aroused suspicions that Dennis may have ordered the investigation into Mosley's private life, in retaliation for the devastating 'spy scandal' and penalties of 2007.

"I categorically deny that I have anything to do with the News of the World's investigation into Mr. Mosley," Dennis, chairman of the McLaren Group, told the Times.

He also denied that "anyone" connected with his company, or anyone acting on his behalf, had anything to do with the revelations.

Dennis has written to Czech Automobile Association chief Radovan Novak, who recently intimated on Prague radio that the spy and sex scandals may share Dennis as the common link, for a clarification of his remarks.

Dennis confirmed that he is looking for Novak, a close ally of Mosley's, to "withdraw or correct" his statements.

It emerged just this week that Mosley has engaged an expert detective agency, Quest, to identity the source of the News of the World story.