Green light for F1 ‘medals’ unlikely

UPDATE (GMM) Bernie Ecclestone's proposal to replace the formula one points system with Olympic Games-style 'medals' in 2009 is expected to be voted down this morning.

The F1 chief executive's idea, where the amount of wins rather than points will crown the drivers' world champion, may be presented to Friday morning's meeting of the FIA World Motor Sport Council in Monaco.

But FIA president Max Mosley, who earlier this week met with the F1 teams' alliance FOTA in Monaco, told the Daily Mail newspaper that he is not sure the proposal will attract sufficient support.

"Medals can't be done in 2009 without a unanimous agreement and that may not be forthcoming," he said.

11/27/08 (GMM) Bernie Ecclestone's plan to install an Olympics-style 'medals' scoring system for formula one in 2009 may not be approved, British newspapers report.

After former team owner Eddie Jordan slammed the idea as "nonsense", the London newspaper The Times said it "is likely to be rejected by the FIA".

F1 chief executive Ecclestone, 78, insists that the teams fully support the proposal, but it must first be approved by the FIA at a forthcoming meeting of the World Motor Sport Council.

The Times said the FIA "is not expected" to support the scheme, and even if a green light is shown, "it would not be implemented" until 2010.

An unnamed 'team insider', meanwhile, told The Guardian that the concept "has certainly not been agreed by all the teams".

The Daily Telegraph said Ecclestone's proposal "may not even be formally on the agenda" for the FIA meeting.