Vison racing in trouble?

This comes from the Vision Racing Facebook page:

While the team will not be making any formal announcements, we feel that we should share with you some of the things that have happened in the past week.

It is with great regret that the team has lost some very valuable team members in the past week or so. We'd like to say we simply "misplaced" them somewhere in the attic while cleaning up the shop… but the truth and reality is that while we are happy that some members of our crew have moved on to pursue new opportunities, Vision Racing has also had to cut back their staff for the off-season.

The team is working very hard to pursue sponsorship and secure funding for the 2010 Indy Racing season. We sincerely hope to bring as many people back as possible and have high hopes of even perhaps expanding our IndyCar & Indy Lights programs. … Read More

At this time, however, as is the case with many families these days, the economic reality cannot be ignored. The team is in conservation mode and doing everything it can to secure a strong future.

We appreciate our fans support throughout past seasons and hope you hang in there with us this off-season as we work diligently to build for a solid platform on which to launch the 2010 Indy racing season.

We will of course keep you updated with the goings on each week through the long winter months.

We hope to have good news for everyone in the coming weeks and months as we prepare for a new year and an exciting new season of Indy racing.