Bernie still has doubts about grid in Bahrain

Like a drill sergeant, Bernie is pushing the teams with some negative motivation tactics

Formula one boss Bernie Ecclestone said on Thursday he feared several teams might not make it onto the grid when this season starts because of the financial crisis.
The new season begins in Bahrain on March 14, but Ecclestone is not convinced all 13 registered teams, particularly the four new additions, will be ready to race.

''I can already imagine that certain teams will not be on the starting grid,'' Ecclestone said, according to a report from German sports agency SID.

''They assure us the situation is not dramatic, but I am not so sure. As we all know, there is a world economic crisis and so it is very difficult for a new team to raise the necessary funds, especially if the budgets are reduced.''

Lotus, Campos, USF1 and Manor are the new teams and both Campos and USF1 are thought to be struggling to be ready in time for Bahrain. F1