Will NASCAR HOF be a bust?

For several years, NASCAR Hall of Fame supporters have said they were hopeful that 800,000 people would visit the racing shrine in its inaugural year.

But the hall's first operating budget, released this week, and attendance numbers from its opening weeks indicate thinner crowds can be expected.

Based on estimates for ticket revenues in its first year, the hall would see more like 600,000 visitors. And based on the traffic in its opening month of May – 30,000 people between May 11 and May 31 – even 600,000 would be pushing it.

This week, the Charlotte Regional Visitors Authority, which manages the hall, released its coming-year budget and details on the first month for the $200million hall.

"'Concerned' is not the word I would use," hall of fame executive director Winston Kelley said of the May figures. "But we are very aware, cognizant and diligent in learning about those numbers and who we market to and how we market to them to draw guests in." More at ThatsRacin.com