The call goes out again

A reader writes, Dear AR1, You have to be kidding me!
Canadian Jacques Villeneuve on pole and Montreal's own Alex Tagliani next to him for the Montreal Nationwide race.
Come on guys.
For real!
Sorry…but this is the most blatant piece of NASCAR qualifying revisionism I have ever seen (another computer generated NASCAR grid to pump up ticket sales).
Yes, it even trumps Junior at Daytona.
When are the suits in Daytona going to play it fair and square?
When are these WWF lookalikes going to realize that there are people out here with more than half a brain who can see through this farce?
What a complete load of rubbish.
Shame on the teams and drivers too for allowing themselves to be used like circus animals. They all know it's going on but they keep letting NASCAR play their silly games.
How can you call this a sport…… it's plain old fashioned snake oil and hucksterism. Ray Masters